1. Ctrl + Select Object
* Add Selection
* Open Group
* Ungroup
2. Advance option -
Select Object
Replace Selection
3. Focus ON Selection.
4. Find selected objects in the Library.
5. Select All Identical objects- (select all the Object in same category.)
6. Randomize position
Randomize rotation
Select Object.
7. Space Objects Evenly -
Align position
Align Rotation
8. Place on Landscape ( Any Object connect to ground level.)
* Align Size.
* Align Height.
9. Alt + Move - Copy ( Same Object Copy)
10. FX -
Featured -
2- ponit Perspective
11. Material Editor -
* Various - Grass etc
* Indoor - Bricks / Metals / Plaster etc )
* Outdoor-
* New -
Standard - (New Material)
Show More ^
* Invisible - [ Object ]
* Colour - ( for Paint Any objects)
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