Introduction of Selection tools, Move Transform Window, Rotate ,Scale, Views and Extended Primitives
1. Alt + W ( Zoom In / Out)
2. Scroll Bar Click ( Minimum Property)
3. Press - Q ( Selection Tools)
A. Rectangular Selection Region.
B. Circular Selection Region.
C. Fence Selection Region.
D. Lasso Selection Region.
E. Paint Selection Region.
4. Crossing Selection.
5. Window Selection.
6. Press - W ( Object Move Tool)
7. Gizmo Size - Increase (+) /Decrease (-).
8. Press - F5 (X-Axis)
9. Press - F6 (Y- Axis)
10. Press - F7 ( Z- Axis)
11. Press - F8 (XY / YZ / ZX)
12. Move Tool - Right clicking on the move Tool or pressing F12 Opens the transform window.
Absolute world offset world
"Absolute Zero To position.
"Offset Current position से आगे की और।
13. Press - E ( Rotate Transform type)
14. Press - R ( Scale Transform type)
A. Press T ( Top)
B. Press B ( Buttom)
C. Press F (front)
D. Press L ( left)
E. Press P (Perspectives / Home
16. Extended Primitives-
Object type -
Hedra / Torus knot / ChamferBox / ChamferCyl / Oil Tank / Capsule / Spindle / L-Ext / Gengon / C- Ext / RingWave / Hose / Prism.
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